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Original STEM Game:

Manufacturing Quiz

Grades 6-12

Test your knowledge of modern manufacturing!

Play Edheads’ Manufacturing Technician Game

Do an internet search for ‘tech camps,’ ‘manufacturing camps,’ or computer or robotics camps. All of these provide skills used in manufacturing. In Columbus, Ohio, check out TechCorps, which holds full-day, weeklong summer “Techie Camps” where middle-school students are able to immerse themselves in activities such as computer programming, and web and app development.

Talk to your teachers or guidance counselors about entering a technical training course aimed at a manufacturing career, such as a Fab Lab course or Manufacturing Pathway.

After high school, pursue an associate degree in Manufacturing or Mechanical Engineering Technology from local college institutions (In Ohio: Rhodes State, Columbus State, Marion Technical, Edison Community, Sinclair Community and Clark State).

Ask about a work-study pilot program allows students the opportunity to work at Honda or some other manufacturing plant three days a week, while taking classes two days. You can build technical skills while earning your degree. Honda is expanding their program in the future, and many other manufacturers have similar programs.

Ask about certification programs at local career skills centers. Many of these centers now provide classes and certifications that allow you to leave high school already employed.

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